
Handling ontologies with ROS

Updated on February 2017! This is a step by step guide related to the Github repository JinchiMiru. We will setup a RosJAVA environment in order to use the Ontology API of JENA. Prerequisites: Working ROS environment. If you do not have one. See the official guide. Install RosJAVA Let's start by installing the

Ros – Laserscanner with Kinect

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roscore roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch rosrun rviz rviz Set the RViz options for Fixed Frame (at the top of the Displays panel under Global Options) to camera_link. On the left-hand side of the RViz panel, click on the Add button and choose the PointCloud2 display option. Set its topic to /camera/depth/points. Change Color Transformer of PointCloud2

ROS on a Raspberry Pi 2 – [Quick]

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In this post we will install ROS Indigo on a Raspberry Pi 2, it is just a sequence of commands you should use to install this framework. Please refer to the official main page for futher informations. ROS ROS is a open source framework for robotic platform development. It is a meta-operating system for

Ros Indigo installation in a Chroot – Ubuntu 15.10

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In this post you will find the steps required to install Ros in Ubuntu 15.10. Please refer to the official page, if the installation fails for some reasons come back here. The first steps of the official instructions failed with 15.10. Just use pip to install the dependencies as described below. Install Indigo